Healthy Vision

PCVI In The Community

Vision in The Classroom

Why you should educate yourself?
PCVI promotes healthy lifestyle
Our low vision specialists will accurately measure how your vision works in the real world – how it functions in your daily living. It's not only about scoring high in an eye chart, but also seeing faces, street signs, newspaper prints, stove dials, and all the other visual clues that guide you through the day.
At the PCVI Facility, we don’t leave you guessing — you can bet you’ll receive an unmatched level of customer service, patient-centered care, state-of-the-art technology, and the undivided attention of some of the best low vision rehabilitation professionals in the eye care industry.
Many patients don’t know what to expect on their first visit to the eye doctor’s office for an eye exam in the five borough areas of New York.
Do not assume that the only thing you can do is get your glasses adjusted. If you still have trouble seeing, do not assume that's just the way it is," said Dr. Prince, vision rehabilitation professional at our facility.
You don't need to wait until you are legally blind to benefit from our services.